design project specification presentation
Casual mobile 3D game QUANTUMSPACE IO/Android is an interactive playground, with PORTALS, during the flight through which you can examine unusual art objects from different angles, see amazing creatures and characters, watch cartoons, listen to atmospheric music, find treasures, familiarize yourself with the project, and then continue your journey in the NFT-gallery QUANTUMSPACE meta-universe Decentraland.

Game Style At this stage, we formulate it as an eclectic mix of styles and mechanics to create a vivid, unusual experience out of the possibilities that are presented to us.

Don't judge harshly - this is a prototype. In the future the 3d models, design, gameplay details used in the mobile game can be used in the DCL gallery and there is such an idea then in a browser game for the site.

This approach allows us to work on related projects in an integrated way. It unites them into a single whole.

2 months
3 months
1 months
Operating hours according to Dubai time
main opening hours
additional opening hours
additional opening hours
The casual 3D mobile game QUANTUMSPACE IO/Android is a future PORTAL, a tunnel, an attraction, an allegorical bridge leading to our future NFT Gallery QUANTUMSPACE and into the metaverse Decentraland
Formation of technical specifications.
Prototype 2D
NFT sale
Shaping the frontend and backend of the game. UI/UX, modelling, coding, testing. Formation of Portals, transitions to DCL.
Prototype 3D
Publishing IO/Android
Browser game, also sports in DCL
mobile game style
Finalization of the site
Arrival, design formation
portal and NFT Gallery QUANTUMSPACE in DCL.quests, gallery rooms, concerts.
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